Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Why is it so difficult to quit quitting?

I often hear the words " I quit" and sometimes I find it hard to believe that while some can quit things often others find it hard to quit.We often find hard to quit a stronger commitment such as a relationship or something we are obsessed with. Some quit their studies and some quit their jobs and some quit their life. Some even quit quitting. Sometimes we see that it becomes difficult to quit quitting in politics. Some politicians quit quitting and can remain in their position for 30 to 40 years.Why?. I feel its not because they are mad or bad, but because they are sick. May be its a psychological disorder.
Hmm what im trying to say is that if this is a psychological disorder then we must treat quitting and being unable to quit as psychological origin. I asked a friend of mine who quit his blog and he says there is no apparent reason( Man, Im gonna miss your blog.There goes quitting, but i bet you, my old friend you have quit for a reason.
Lets look at a few more examples of quitting. The new maldives quit from an old regime due to frustrations mound over them as a result of failures of the regime in bringing reforms. Well quitting if u get furstrated is a sign of good health. But the regime however is unwilling to quit and this shows there is a psychological disorder in those who refuse to quit. Another mate of mine quit her studies and career because her health is not sufficient to continue it. Well so my friends quitting is not a problem as long as u do it for a healthy reason, but being unable to quit quitting is a big problem.Think about it if u cant quit quitting .Thats when you really need a psychiatrist.I should quit my quit quitting idea now, other wise I may become a psychopath.