The tuna soup (GARUDHIYA) media in the Maldives is now flavoured by the stipulation of music and singing in Islam. It may be a complicated issue as we follow a moderate form of sunni Islam in the country. The question of music and Islam became a hot debate when a PhD scholar gave his views about music in a televised interview. It has caused outrage to the religious fanatics who believe music and singing are prohibited in Islam. I dont like to believe such views as music, poetry and singing has its roots in Arab world where Islam was found. Thus lots of music instruments and lots of poetry have its origin in Arabia. For example the Tambourine is an Arabic insrument. Music played a vital role in the life of Muslims and Poetry was taught in mosques during the days before Madharusaas.
But of course Islam forbids fornication, hence if music is mixed with any acts of fornication then we can say such acts are haraam. The way music is used in our culture is very humble and it does not provoke acts of fornication and much of it has become a cultural norm. However some indecent acts are seen on local television and we better have a better censorship for such acts.Moreover its not created by musicians, but by infidel directors and producers of such things we call as ALBUMS. However music is a booming industry and lots of people are going to resorts to play music. So the point here is music is a form of art and it should not be prohibited and as a budding country interms of human rights and individual freedom we need to think about this deeply. God never asked us to give away the pleasures and comforts we enjoy but we have to enjoy without indulging in to fornication and without avoiding our religous obligations. How can a muslim call another fellow muslim a non believer just because he likes to listen to the sounds of waves and water fall or perhaps a soothing music like those from Mozart.
The many sounds we hear and we listen are not just music or songs, but we also listen to nature and using this sense of hearing given to us we enjoy life.
lets enjoy life withut fornicatons or sins and lets pray that ALLAH almighty will prosper us in this world and hereafter.