The expresident of Maldives should be acknowledged for his wise decision to hand over pwer to the democratically elected president. However it is his duty as a peace loving man to respect the constitution and election results. Additionally he had no choice as the people clearly showed they need a change.
However he should publicly say sorry to all citizens of Maldives before leaving the post. For all the pain and grief caused to the people and families due to the unlawful shooting in Maafushi Jail. For all the political prisoners and the way they were treated you should say sorry. For all the money stolen by your friends and cronies and those which you gave them for free on the expense of us, you should say sorry. For not doing enough to bridge the gap between rich and poor you should say sorry.
I really wish the expresident say sorry for every crime and and every atrocity which happenend in his regin whether its intentional or unintentional. Dear expresident if you do so people will forgive you and if people forgive you ALLAH almighty will forgive you. It will also help you to rest in peace and live happiliy ever after. You should make your last speech as a president to ask forgiveness from people and to get the love and respect from the people.