The recent saga going on to boycott Israel and the Maldives diplomatic ties is a serious blow to the democracy and international relationship. Some politicians are rejecting the intentions by the current government to strengthen diplomatic ties with Israel. The government’s decision to strengthen the political ties with Israel became the fuel for the ongoing political war between the ruling party and the opposition. Some parliamentarians and opposition activists have even vowed to oust the government on allegations of undermining the Islamic principles of the state. Of course both the Palestinians and Israelis have engorged in a war to gain secure statehood for both sides. Israelis on their part have infringed the international law by rejecting to hand over the occupied land. Palestinians on the other hand are fighting their way by ensuing terrifying acts, such as suicide bomb attacks against ordinary Israelis.
The harsh reality of the plight of the people of both sides is indisputable, that the ordinary lives are seriously affected by this war. As such, we cannot demonize the ordinary people of both Palestinians and Israelis. In fact the vast majority of Palestinians and Israelis want peace and some of the IDF; soldiers, who fought in the recent fighting’s, were the first people to publicize the heinous acts carried out against Palestinians. Moreover a large number of Israeli human rights activists protested against these acts and several academics also took their side. So the well learned Maldivian parliamentarians should seek knowledge before revolting a public uproar against a country and her people. The majority of people in Israel are peace loving and wants to end this war through a two state solution. Hence our people need to unite with the people of Israel and open up our country to them so that we can work together to achieve peace. I see a bright future for world peace through such diplomatic ties. Israelis have lost trust in most Arab states due to lack of democracy in most of these states. If we as a budding democracy can bring them to negotiation tables on the sunny side of Maldives with our Muslim brothers and international community, who knows Maldives may be the historic place where the fruits of peace ripen. We also need to look at how Prophet Mohamed (Peace be Up on Him) showed patience towards stubborn and brutal people. When he was attacked in Thoif and when he got the power to crush the whole city of Thoif he chose to give them a chance. This is the Muslims way of treating brutal and fierce people.